Terms and Conditions
officerentinfo.at (The Site) is the ownership of Global Web Group Kft. (The Company). The Site also includes various domains and sub-links belonging to the Company, which are considered part of the Site, being subject of this use terms and conditions (The Terms and Conditions). Using this Site in any form or manner (visit, registration, use of information and services) is subject to the Terms and Conditions hereafter and implies the tacit and unconditioned acceptance of those Terms and Conditions. The Company can modify, suspend or interrupt the content of this Site or of the present Terms and Conditions, at any moment, through total or partial modifications of content, structure, etc., without the prior consent or notification to the Users (physical or juridical persons using the Site). Continuing the Use of the Site involves the acceptance of the Site’s Terms and Conditions. The company reserves its right to limit the access to the Site of certain IP without any notification and under any liability. The use of the Site is allowed only to persons over 18 years.
Visiting, registering and searching for information available on this site is free. Upon registration, the User will be ask through the registration forms to fill its contact information. Inappropriate/partial completion of these forms could have as a consequence the impossibility for the respective User to register through the Site. The User has the obligation that all information supplied to be correct, complete and certified. The User also has the obligation to notify the Site about the changes that might occur regarding registered information. The information published by the User on Site (including links and URLs) cannot contain materials that could be considered illegal or can bring any prejudice to the Company, other Users or third parties, including but without limiting to violent materials, sexual or pornographic, racist or violating any author or privacy rights, as well as any type of materials that have no connection to the Site’s specific. The company reserves its right to suspend at any moment from the Site, without prior notification, any content that might be considered illegal, harmful or inappropriate, according to the above provisions. After filling the registration forms, the Users have at their disposal an account for using the services. The User is entirely responsible for keeping the confidentiality over the password for the services access, conditioned by registration. The Users are entirely responsible for all information made public through their account. In the event of unauthorized access of the account by any third parties, the company is not responsible regarding the consequences. Following registration, the Users have the option to order special packages of supplementary services by charge (registration of buildings, specialized consultancy, advertising offers etc.). After placing such an order, the company will contact the Users for the offer and the order can finalize with a contract between parties, without this being an unconditioned consequence of the registration. The company reserves its right at any moment not to respond to some requests from the Users, without notifications or liability. There is no delay limitation for the company to answer any Users’ requests and the company cannot be hold responsible under any form by the Users or by third parties.
The Company has no legal liability for the precision and truthfulness of the information supplied by the Users or by third parties, contained within the Site. The Users are due to verify the information before taking any decisions that could influence the good development of their activities. The Site can contain links or references to other sites or web pages to which use there are specific terms and conditions that apply, as mentioned in the relative sites or web pages, the Company not being responsible and not assuming any obligation in relation to the content of those sites. The Users access those sites or use their products/services exclusively on their own risk and liability. The Users assumes the entire civil or penal liability for all the information transmitted or published on the Internet using the services of the Site. The Company doesn’t offer any guarantee that the information present on Site will fulfil every standards and requests of the Users and cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including but without limitation to profit loss, goodwill, possibility of using data or other intangible or incommensurable loss (even if the Company was prior informed about the possibility of such loss to happen), doesn’t offer any guarantee for the accuracy, security, utility or consequences of the service use. The services and all additional materials are offered without any supplementary guarantee.
The content of the Site, including but without limiting to programs, design, articles, texts, images, audio and video files, graphics, as well as any other data and applications is the property of the Company and/or its partners, being protected according to the Law of Author Rights and to the laws regarding the intellectual and industrial ownership rights. The content information published by the Users is subject to the intellectual ownership rights of the Users, being protected as such according to the law. Publishing this information on the Site implies the accept for the Company and its affiliates to freely of any obligation regarding any payment and/or remuneration to use, copy, publish, distribute this information in any manner, media and under any title. The Company can include the domain name and logo of the site of the Users in its client’s lists or in different press releases. Taking over any information and/or data from this Site with the purpose of republishing, of the total or partial distribution or in any other purpose under any form, without the prior written consent of the Company is strictly forbidden and will be punished according to the legislation in force. The company cannot be liable for the eventual prejudices, existent litigations, born from copying, keeping, modifying or transferring the entire or part of the site in any media. In the event of a loss caused to a third party, following the breach of the Terms and Conditions by a User, the User is obliged to cover the prejudice.
The Company protects the right to privacy for all Site Users, under the provisions of the Law no. 677/2001 for person’s protection regarding personal data processing and the free circulation of this data. This information will be used only for the purpose of their communication and will not be subject to any undeclared services on the site at the moment of their transmission.
The User agrees not to request to the Company or to their representatives any kind of damage, liability, loss, costs (including but without any limitation to the lawyers fees or any other court costs), appeared in connection to any legal action based on a breach of the present agreement. These guarantee from the User remains in force after the termination of the relationship between the User and the Company. The provisions of this agreement and all its legal effects are governed by the Austrian law in force. Any litigation which could arise from a dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions is going to be solved by the Austrian competent court.